Spring Offerings
Variations on a Theme: Simple, Double Signature, participants will explore pamphlet book variations, including 2 signatures, accordion pages, and do-a-do
These books are great for: Storing keepsakes from special people, serving as an uplift on sour days, filling with private jokes, sayings, photos as inspiration for a friend who is suffering, of course, the variations and uses are endless.
Come play. Bring any lovely fancy papers you have or want to use, and some will be provided.
Bring signature paper and cover papers for the sizes you desire, and any book art tools you have, awl, bone folder etc these will also be provided. PVC glue, Linen Thread, needles, book board, etc. provided.
April 12, 9-12 Register with Waterfall Arts
Integrating an understanding of the impact of trauma on the body and somatic practices for healing and regulation. Experiential, clinical, collaborative. Open to Therapist of all ilks.
Four Month Session: Third Mondays of the month - March 17, Aprils 21, May 19, 1- 1-3pm Belfast Dance Studio
Sliding Scale $80-$150- Register on-line, Pay in person

Come as you are
Bring whole self: turmoil, joy, aches, pains, ruminations
We will warm up then use a variety of movement forms ranging from
sound and movement, authentic movement, to boogey, yoga, continuum to release-
then end with something soothing.
Belfast Dance Studio-Mondays 4-5:30- March 17 -May 19 $10-12 sliding